Johnny Loves Krissy Page 11
“I missed you beside me in bed.” He came closer. His voice, deep and gravely from just waking, stroked the flames of desire she thought he'd quenched. She didn't want to be turned on.
“I needed to think. I don't do that well when you're near me.” Yes, like a moment ago when she listed the pros and cons of getting more than physically involved. The list of reasons, or rather excuses didn't seem so important. Didn't she have to try?
“Come back to bed and think.” He took her fingers.
“We need to talk.” Tears burned the back of her eyes. This would not be a good time for tears. She wanted to appear strong and sure, not show him she was scared as hell to trust him, to trust herself.
He dropped to his knees. “What is it?”
She touched his face. “Did you know I've never let a man spend the night?”
“I stay over all the time.”
“Not to share my bed.” She leaned in and kissed his lips, tenderly. “I want you to stay, sleep in my bed...” She took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and folded her hands in her lap. Leap of faith time. “We can do this, can't we? Keep our friendship but have more. Still have fun but know when to be serious.” She looked at her hands and stopped the fidgeting she didn't realize she was doing. “I want to try...I mean I do want more than friendship. I want you in the same way you want me. I guess I'm just afraid I'll screw up what we already have.”
Johnny dropped his head into her lap. She couldn't resist running her fingers through the silken mess of hair. Smooth and broad, his muscular shoulders tapered to his waist. Using her nails, she gently scratched circles into his back.
“That feels good.”
“Sit forward. Massage or back scratching?”
“Doesn't matter.” He turned around and sat Indian style. “I just like your hands on me.”
In the darkened living room, she sat on the floor with Johnny positioned between her thighs. Cool air swept under the robe, titillating to the wetness drenching her folds. Running fingers over his shoulders, she dragged her fingernails down his back like a farmer furrowed his fields. “Harder?”
“No, softer.” His head dropped forward.
Next, she swirled her fingers in a figure eight. She drew close to the edge of his back near his armpit. Each time her nail crossed one particular rib, he twitched. Ticklish or stimulating, she wondered. Tempting with her tongue, she licked the spot. His body had a momentary spasm and she laughed. “Sorry, I had to see if it tickled.”
“It does, and it's also making me incredibly hard. Why don't you part your robe, sit on my lap, and let me find your ticklish spot?”
“Be good,” she said, switching from a scratch to a massage. “Hold on, I need something from my room.” She hurried into her room for a bottle of sweet almond massage oil.
Returning, she said, “Lay on your stomach.”
It didn't take a psychic to read what she had in mind. Naked under her robe, with a bottle of massage oil, she wanted sensual but fun. He'd be brainless to refuse her. Seeing the front of his boxers pitched like the big top tent at the circus made Krissy wonder if perhaps his chest needed massaged. The seat looked mighty appealing.
Johnny groaned and did as she instructed. Reaching into his boxers, he adjusted himself before rolling onto his stomach, folding his arms, and pillowing his head on the top of his hands.
She straddled his hips and sat on his firm butt. She poured a generous amount of oil into her palm and then rubbed them together to heat the oil. Starting in the center of his back, she circled, pressing deep into the muscle. With her thighs spread, she ground against him, cushioning her clitoris against the silk of his boxers. Hot and slick, her fingers moved over his shoulders.
Groaning low and steady, Johnny encouraged her.
“Would you like to take these off?” She ran her thumbs inside the waistband, along the curve of his ass, to press into the dimples at the base of his spine. Rising, she allowed Johnny to lift his hips. With a quick tug, she bared his butt. Then she pulled them from his legs.
“Don't turn over. We're not done.”
“Krissy, I'm going to get a rug burn on my dick.”
“You have to try to hold still.” She settled on his butt again, this time enjoying the smooth flesh between her thighs. She arched her back rubbing the thin strip of damp hair covering her pussy into his flexed buttocks.
“What are you doing?”
“Besides getting myself hot?” She chuckled. “You have to guess what I'm spelling.” Using the pad of her index finger, she spelled one letter at a time.
“Very good.” Leaning forward she pressed her hardened nipples into his back and kissed the nape of his neck. “Next letter.”
“Mmm...I need it again.”
She pinched his butt.
“Answer correctly and you get a reward. Miss and it's punishment.” She rubbed her hand over the smooth skin where she'd pinched. “Now,” she said in an authoritarian voice. “Do you still need it repeated?”
“Very good. See, sometimes it's good for the king to relinquish control. This time you have to concentrate. I'm going to spell the whole word.”
“F,” he said. “U. C. K. I like where this is going.”
“Would you like a spanking?”
“A. Yes, I think I would. B.” He flipped over toppling her off. Krissy laughed and spread her thighs. She reveled in his weight as he lay on top of her. Johnny swiveled his hips, grinding his thick length into her creamy heat.
She sucked in a breath as his cock probed her moist opening.
“So I'm fuckable,” he said.
The velvety head of his cock parted her folds. “Mmmhmm.”
“Exactly when did you come to that conclusion?”
“Tenth grade.”
“Really?” He smiled.
“Yes,” she gasped. Oh, fuck, she was wet beyond belief, slick and pulsing. “The first time I saw you naked and aroused.”
Johnny slammed into her, shocking, tantalizing and gloriously stretching her. She raised her hips.
“Oh, hell.” The thickness of his shaft stole her breath. He slid in slow, making her whimper. “And you were right.” She grabbed his ass, forcing him deeper.
“About what?”
“Making love is much different from just having sex.”
Johnny pumped harder. Friction on the carpet burned along her spine.
“We can laugh and have a conversation.”
“Krissy, you're talking too much. And I think it's time you took some control of your own.” He rolled to his back never severing their connected bodies. “How do you like that?” He flexed his hips, driving deep until his shaft completely filled her, her aching clit nestled into his dark springy hair.
“Oh, yes.” She panted, arched, and clawed her nails into his chest. Her knees dug into the carpet as she shifted her angle. On fire with a wildly intense burn, she rolled her hips, taking more of his cock into body. Hot, hard and pulsing. God, he felt amazing sliding into her cunt.
Johnny gripped her hips and helped her rise and lower, impaling herself on his rod. He was so thick and hard and she was smooth and wet. They rocked together, joining more than their bodies. Becoming one in an ebb and flow of movement. With each caress, each thrust of cock and gasp for breath, he carried her toward a white- hot release. Mewling whimpers spilled from her lips. So close. His strong hands held her tight, squeezing, anchoring her to his groin as she rolled her pelvis. He grunted with each plunge of his cock. His back arched and his jaw clenched.
Krissy bucked faster. Her thighs burned and her stomach tightened. She braced her hands on his chest. A small tremble simmered in her core. Her mind numbed and every muscle in her body tensed. That she wanted to draw out the pleasure didn't matter. She couldn't stop the building wave of release. She was coming— hard. “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Yeah, right there. Oh, Johnny.”
Shivers broke over her flesh, her
heart pounded, and blood roared through her ears drowning out the sound of everything but the erotic slap of their sweat- slicked bodies. She snapped her eyes closed, clenched her bottom lip between her teeth and shattered. Her body jerked and her pussy clamped onto Johnny's shaft. Overwhelmed and overpowered by the force of her orgasm, she couldn't move. Her thighs locked tight to his hips.
Johnny growled. His shoulders knotted with tension and his face contorted. His hips flexed, and with a shout, he came. She felt each hot, wet spurt deep within her. His cock jerked and pulsed. Their joined fluids drenched her quivering channel. Still joined, she collapsed to his chest. He banded his arms around her back and, for several moments, simply held her close. Their laborious breaths slowly returned to normal. He sighed and his fingers trailed along her spine from buttocks to neck.
“Let's go back to bed,” he whispered in her ear.
She couldn't move, could barely think. She melted into his chest, replete, and exhausted. “Let's just sleep here.” With his cock still slippery in her pussy. “Don't want to move.” She smiled, draped and relaxed over his torso. Her limbs had liquefied.
“Come on.” He shifted, and with Krissy still wrapped around his body, he stood and carried her back to bed.
Johnny hadn't planned to stay the night or to sleep so late. Classes started at nine and he wanted nothing more than to stay in bed. Sleepovers could become complicated if he didn't keep his obligations in perspective.
Leaving Krissy, naked, sleeping, he went to the bathroom. A quick shower followed by the hunt for something to wear. Tucking a towel around his hips, he searched through her closet. One of the problems in doing his laundry at Krissy's was that he always managed to leave something behind. Today he was grateful. He found a gray T- shirt with a motorcycle logo on the back hanging in the closet. On the shelf above, he found a pair of pants he hadn't seen in a while. Who knew how long they'd been up there. Casual Dockers didn't exactly go with faded biker wear, but he didn't have time to go home to change. He needed to hurry because he was late already. Unwilling to dig through her drawers for a pair of boxers, he went commando.
He crawled onto the bed and nuzzled her neck. “I've got to go.”
She moaned and stretched. “When will you be home?”
Her words punched him in the gut. He'd never thought of her house as home. Nevertheless, this morning, it was exactly how he felt. “After classes.”
She blinked a few times and looked at the alarm clock. “I should be at the office.” She leaned up on her elbows. “I have orders to get in, and this afternoon I'm making rounds to the jobsites.” Raking her fingers through her bangs, she combed her tangled hair off her face.
“I don't know what you want? After last night, I don't want to push. We can plan to see each other tomorrow.” The thought tightened his chest. Pressing too hard or too fast jeopardized the future he wanted for them. He wanted to spend every night in her bed. Therefore, for now, he'd play it cool.
“I'll call you,” she said, tossing off the sheet. “It might be late.”
He shrugged. “Whenever. I'm late so I had better bail. I made coffee.” He stood. “If you can meet for lunch, call me. Otherwise, I'll catch you on the flip side.” He bent, kissed her, and strode from the room.
Johnny's feet felt like iron anvils. Each step away from Krissy and her soft warmth was harder to take. He planned to treat this relationship like a fine wine. Let it breath, give it time to mature, and hope that in the end he'd have something priceless. Damn, but with her taste on his lips, he wanted to get drunk.
He'd get through class, get through the day, and somehow find a way to get through the night without Krissy.
Johnny had hoped, but Krissy didn't call for lunch and she wasn't answering her cell phone. Not entirely an atypical occurrence. Jobsites were often in undeveloped neighborhoods outside of town with sporadic cell coverage.
He swung by Drew's place to see if the gang had plans for the night. The oppressive thought of going to his ant trap of an apartment was only slightly more appealing than hanging out at Krissy's. He wasn't about to appear clingy and co- dependant. The woman of his dreams had an independent streak. As her best friend, he knew what she hated in a boyfriend. Forewarned is forearmed.
Drew waved from the driveway. Two girls sat in the front seat of a Jeep with wet hair and wearing bikini tops.
Johnny raised an eyebrow at Drew's cocky grin. “What's up?”
“Not much anymore.”
“Hi,” Johnny said to the girls.
“We'll see you in a couple of hours.”
“Yep.” Drew smacked the side of the jeep with an open palm and then stepped back.
They waved and reversed the jeep out of the drive.
“So which one are you dating?” Johnny asked following Drew into the house.
“It's a fact, my friend.”
They walked into the house, through the living room, and into the kitchen. “How do you do it?”
Drew hopped up on the counter. “I don't ask why, I just take what's offered. We're heading over to Stu's tonight. You up for it?”
Johnny shook his head. “Krissy's working late.”
Drew paused with a bottle of water at his lips and slowly lowered it. “And you don't go without her?”
“No.” Johnny pulled out the barstool and sat down. “That's what I want to talk to you about.” Johnny took a breath.
His friend had an inclination, and a few facts about what was going on between Johnny and Krissy. He was also the only one Johnny trusted. Whether for a secret or advice, Drew knew how to keep his mouth shut, which was one of the things Johnny liked best about him.
“You're coming clean to me? Why?” Drew set the water bottle to the side. “Wait, you think I'll condone your fucking the wood girl because I don't have any scruples.”
“You don't, but that's beside the point. I don't care who you're fucking. The fact I'm with Krissy is my business and hers. But this is important. Until yesterday, she remained under the impression our relationship was just sex. Never for me. Last night we labeled it.”
“Shit.” Drew guzzled then looked Johnny in the eye. “Are you sure it's worth the risk? Krissy bails when relationships get serious.”
“I'm not worried. Here's the bitch. She still doesn't want anyone to know. She's afraid we'll jinx us. For the first time, she isn't running scared.”
“So what's the problem?”
“There isn't one.” He couldn't stop the big smile. “I feel like a woman. I had to tell someone. She's making me do it backwards. First, I have to knock her up, and then convince her to marry me. At least she's accepting the fact that I love her.”
“Don't let Ryan hear you talking. Remember how he reacted when Krissy said she planned to have a baby.”
“Yeah, you weren't too happy as I recall.”
“Hey, that was just me talking. Naming you the father is going to send Ryan into orbit.”
“Well, he won't know for a while. I just hope I can keep my hands off Krissy in front of everyone.”
“Get your mind on something else. Come to Stu's and sing karaoke.”
Yeah, maybe it was just what he needed. He'd have his cell phone. Play it safe and just a bit distant, prove to her that they could maintain autonomy and still be a couple.
Johnny went home agreeing to meet Drew and his girlfriends at the bar in a couple hours. He had to change clothes, and he wasn't going to the bar commando.
He caught up on some homework and ate a peanut butter sandwich before grabbing another shower and getting ready to go out. Putting on his favorite jeans, and a tight, white T- shirt, he checked his reflection. If Krissy called, he might just be able to persuade her to join them.
He drove to the bar with the radio on, feeling good to be going out. Time split into two activities, school and sex. Heaven and hell. Tonight gave a reprieve from both.
Johnny saw Drew's girlfriends’ je
ep in the parking lot. He took the space next to it. The sun dipped low on the horizon in a wash of orange and pink. Another hot summer night, and thinking of hot, he hoped Krissy called. It felt like high school. He might not be a teenager anymore, but Krissy had been his first crush. She was certainly his first love. Wasn't he entitled to feel a little giddy?
He went into the bar. Drew wasn't there, but the girls were. They waved from a cross the room. Johnny intended to hang with Drew, not find himself in a foursome. As of last night, he had a girlfriend. He just couldn't tell anyone.
Before joining them at the table, he bought a beer. “How're you doing?” A little small talk to drag out the inevitable. He didn't recognize the bartender. “You're new.” Not a question, just stating the obvious and avoiding going to the table to join Drew's dates. “I'm Johnny.”
“I'm busy.” The bartender moved down to the other end of the bar. Great, now he thought Johnny was looking to score. At least with Drew's beauties, he wouldn't look gay.
He took his time crossing the room, hoping Drew would arrive. No such luck. The girls smiled as he approached then sat. Dressed similar, same almond- shaped, green eyes, even the way they held their frozen red concoctions was the same. “Sisters?”
They laughed. “Cousins, but we get asked all the time.” And why wouldn't they? Johnny was probably the only man who didn't fantasize about sisters— or better— twins. He'd only ever wanted Krissy and her enhanced twins implanted by a skilled surgeon.
Johnny's gaze shifted from the door to Drew's dates. When Drew finally arrived, he let out a deep sigh of relief. The long lapses in conversation were becoming increasingly uncomfortable.
“Sorry, I'm late. I called Shelby and Ryan. Casey might be late, but she's coming, too.”
Johnny tipped his long neck but didn't ask. It was a stare down between him and Drew. Johnny suspected his grin was every bit as wide as Drew's. “I'm not asking,” Johnny said.
“Krissy's not coming.”
“She will.” Just not at the bar, well, maybe at the bar. It happened once. If she wanted to again, he would take her behind the building. It had been daring, and three of the best minutes of his life.