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Johnny Loves Krissy Page 9
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Page 9
“Yes!” She spread her legs. “Fingers aren't enough. I need more.” She was desperate. “Fuck me, Johnny.” Her body bucked against his hand. “I need your cock, need to come.” She writhed, bucking into his hand. “Please. I'm almost there.” She grabbed his wrist as Johnny plunged three fingers in and out of her passage. “Enough,” she said with a laugh and pushed his hand away. “Fuck me.”
“Damn it, Krissy.” Johnny glanced right then left. “Someone is going to see.” He looked over his shoulder to the parking lot and then toward the freeway. “Your timing sort of sucks.”
“My timing isn't the only thing.” She dropped to her knees. “Watch Johnny, I'm going to be your fluff girl.” His zipper rasped as it lowered.
“Fuck, Kris. I'm so hard I'm ready to blow.”
She winked. “Me, too.”
Johnny groaned.
“I want this.” She opened his fly. His cock sprang free, weighing heavy in her hand and thickening with his need for her. She banded her fingers around the base. Her fingertips stroked the turgid length as she fucked him with a tight fist. Johnny groaned low in his throat. Krissy opened her mouth over the glistening head.
“Mmm.” She curled her tongue around the shaft, then over and around the velvety tip, at the same time sliding her hand along the shaft with gentle then firm pressure. “Like a hot popsicle.” She tasted from base to tip, flicking her tongue, licking his essence from the slit. Then she took him deep. His cock slid partially down her throat. She slathered his cock with wet kisses, pressing her tongue along the pulsing vein running the underside.
Johnny moaned aloud with erotic pleasure. His hands tunneled into her hair, holding her in place. Her lips slid over the heated skin as she pulled back. She stroked his shaft with tortuous pressure. The muskiness of his arousal floated across her tongue. She gripped his thighs as he orally fucked her, pumping his hips, driving his cock in and out of her mouth. His balls bounced. When they tightened into his body, she pulled away. Glancing up, their stares connected.
He growled, pulling her up to stand. “As much as I love to see you on your knees, I want to slide my cock into your pussy until you scream my name.”
“Then do it.”
Pressing her back against the wall, with her skirt bunched around her waist, he clasped her thigh and lifted her leg. “God, you're wet.” Holding her panties out of the way, his cock nudged her drenched opening and in one long slow thrust, he stretched her tight channel.
“It's not supposed to feel this good with you.”
“Yes, it is.” He thrust once, twice, and her body careened over the edge into oblivion. It didn't matter that at any moment someone could come around the corner and hear her cries of release. She clung to his shoulders, taking the impact of his frantic thrusts.
“Faster.” Wetness trickled down her inner thigh.
“Do you want me to pull out?” He smiled through his labored breathing. “Decide quickly, I'm going to come.”
“Don't you dare!” She licked his chin. “I mean don't pull out. You better come before someone discovers us.”
Johnny closed his eyes, continuing to pound into her, cramming her full of his cock. His fingers dug into her flesh, and his lips stretched over his teeth. He groaned and erupted. Every muscle tensed under her roving hands. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held tightly until the storm receded. His head rested in the crook of her shoulder. He released her leg, allowing her to stand on her own.
“Are you okay?” he asked. She kissed his jaw when he righted her skirt, tugging it back into place.
“I'm fantastic. But I need to go to the restroom before we rejoin the group.” She wiggled, trying to get her panties back into place.
“I've always known you were crazy. I can't believe I just took you against the side of a building, and the whole thing lasted less than three minutes.”
“I like that you're efficient.” She took his hand. “We won't stay long. I want to continue this at home.”
“I like the way you think.”
She smiled and fluttered her eyelashes.
“You're asking for a spanking.”
“You just gave me what I asked for.” She kissed him. “And it was incredible. But if you want to spank me anyway, I'll bend over for you when we get home.”
Chapter Seven
The Royal Feast
Days like today made Krissy want to quit her job. Remodels always had more complications than new construction. She had to deal with a homeowner who was cooking meals in a microwave in their living room. She'd spent the entire day at the jobsite. First, production ran a week behind. Not a good scenario, but one easily corrected if she had an efficient installer assigned to the project. However, when the installer screwed the wrong cabinet to the wall, the homeowner was understandably upset. Krissy's frustration mounted, and now her head pounded.
At least she reached a bright spot in her day. She'd see Johnny tonight, but it also meant her heart was on the line. Falling in love with Johnny had the potential to destroy the relationship they both cherished. Better to find out if she was pregnant quickly and cease having sex with him as soon as possible. The danger lie in the way he made her feel, not just the act of having great sex. When they made love, he stared into her eyes, seeing straight into her soul. It scared her. Johnny genuinely liked her, not just the way she looked. She couldn't fuck that up by fucking him.
She headed home. As if she'd gone too high on a swing, her stomach lightened. Was she excited or terrified? Her feelings for Johnny changed every time he touched her. Tonight after dinner, she knew exactly how the evening would end. After the disappointing day, she'd like her dessert first.
However, priorities came first. She'd stop at the store for the biggest box of pregnancy tests available. Along with her hormone therapy pill, every morning she'd look for the elusive plus sign signaling pregnancy.
Thirty minutes later, Krissy breathed a sigh of relief. She'd beat Johnny to her apartment so she'd have a moment to freshen up before starting their dinner. Okay, so her usual easygoing attitude with Johnny shifted into hypersensitive. Never before had it mattered if she brushed her hair or wafted the subtle scent of something feminine and alluring. Hell, she hadn't cared if she smelled like a truck driver after a week on the road. More than once, Johnny brought his own brand of funk into her apartment. After an afternoon playing basketball with Drew and Ryan, his smell burned her nasal membranes.
Thoughts of Johnny kept running through her mind as she started dinner. She didn't have many memories that didn't include him— memories that brought a smile to her face, pulled a tear from her eye, or ripped her heart from her chest like the time when his baby brother died. After Matthew's death, Johnny's mother had never tried to have another baby.
Krissy put her hand to her stomach. It just clicked. This represented her only chance. Once she conceived, she needed to get her life in perspective. Taking care of her and the baby took precedence. It had devastated Johnny's entire family when they lost Matthew to SIDS. God, it had already been eleven years. She'd never forget that horrible week before her fourteenth birthday.
Krissy sprinkled dill on salmon and wrapped it in tinfoil with an orange segment. She stuck the fish in the oven, washed her hands, and dried them on a dishtowel.
This was her opportunity to have the perfect pregnancy. Indulge her cravings, revel in her body's changes, and marvel at the fact that she created a new life. However, this wouldn't be Johnny's one chance at fatherhood. At some point, he could meet another woman, fall in love, marry and have children. For right now, Johnny was hers. Before she sabotaged her relationship with him, she'd have to go back to being just friends. So she'd enjoy him, for as long as it took to get pregnant.
And no time like the present to find out how close she was to her objective. The test directions stated that first morning urine was the best to use. She shrugged. Tomorrow she'd try it in the morning. If pregnant, regardless of the time of day, she'd see a plus.
/> Nervously taking one of the four tests, she went into the bathroom.
Johnny sat in his parent's house. His attention drifted between the golf game on television and the clock on the fireplace mantle. How his pop could jump from his chair and cheer for the ball on the putting green was beyond him. Who cheered at golf?
His dad furrowed his brows. “You in a hurry?”
“What makes you ask?”
“You're watching the clock like it's a ticking time bomb. Mom has a potpie in the oven. She's counting on you for dinner.”
“Can't. Krissy's expecting me.” He heard his mother humming in the kitchen. He didn't want to hurt her feelings, but Krissy offered more tempting fare.
“Invite her over. I miss my little pipsqueak. We haven't seen her in a while. Make your mom happy, son.” Dale nodded to the phone on the wall. “Call Krissy.”
“I'll call, but if she's already making dinner, I'm taking a rain check on the potpie.”
Johnny dialed as his dad ambled into the kitchen. Nothing about Dale Huston was rushed. Whatever the combination, his mom and dad had found one that worked. Married for thirty years, his dad still catered to her and adoration twinkled in his mother's eyes when she looked at her husband. They hailed from a simpler time. As far as he knew, they'd never spoken of divorce, not even during the hard years. Having grown up in a rural community, they'd gone to school together, married, and then had their family.
He stopped his thoughts because Krissy answered. “Hi, where are you?”
“My parents. Mom made a potpie.”
Krissy groaned.
“If you already have dinner in the oven, I'll give Mom a kiss on the cheek and tell her another time. But Pop wants you to come over.” He shook his head. “I mean, I do, too. He suggested we eat here instead.” Johnny lowered his voice. “I don't care where we eat. I just need to see you.”
“Me, too.”
The sultry richness of her voice was enough for him to tell his dad to bag it. Literally, he'd take the food to go and get to Krissy. Halfway hard at the sound of her voice, he'd be all the way there the moment he saw her. The last thing he needed was his mother's ESP focusing in on the shift of his and Krissy's connection. And see it, she would. Then she'd start with twenty questions until she'd whittled down to the root. Before the night was out, she'd have the wedding planned with Krissy calling her mom. Johnny needed more time convincing Krissy they had forever— not just until conception.
“I've already put the salmon in the oven. So it's up to you. I can wait a few minutes until the salmon comes out. Then drive over. Or you could be here in ten minutes.”
“I could be there in ten, eat in three and then get you into bed. Or we can spend the next several hours with my parents. Hmm.”
“Hard choice.”
“That isn't what's hard. I'll be there in ten.”
Krissy laughed. “See you in a few.”
Johnny went into the kitchen. “I can't stay. Krissy has dinner on the table. Can we make it next week? Sorry Mom.” He leaned in and kissed her soft, warm cheek.
Wrinkles creased her eyes, full of understanding. “Of course, sweetheart.”
“And bring my pipsqueak,” his dad added.
“We'll be here.”
“When are the two of you going to quit playing and get serious?” Shift in roles, tonight it was his dad's turn to push.
“I'm working on it. Just don't tell Krissy.”
His dad slapped him on the shoulder. “See you Sunday.”
Johnny twirled his keys on his finger as he hurried to the truck. He ought to swing by his place and grab his textbooks, but the promise of what waited if he hurried had him driving straight to her apartment.
In significantly less than ten minutes, Johnny pulled into a parking spot. Krissy had opened the front room window blinds. He sat there a moment watching her flutter about picking up clothes. His mouth twitched into a grin. Her words might tell him their sexual relationship simply represented a means to conceive. However, her body and actions whispered so much more.
After locking his truck, he walked to the apartment. Any other day, he might let himself in. Tonight he used a knuckle to knock.
Krissy opened the door, and his heart hammered against his ribs. Beautiful smile, blonde hair soft and shimmering, and waiting for him. She's mine. He tightened his hand into a fist to keep from reaching out toward her. Then he took a breath and relaxed. How he handled tonight determined how they'd share— hopefully— the rest of their lives.
Then he gave up and his fingers brushed her cheek, barely a touch at all. Yet, she flushed with color. Slipping his hand under her hair and around the nape of her neck, he gently urged her closer. He didn't force her to move, just guided her to his lips. Not demanding but needing to reconnect.
“I missed you,” he whispered just before his lips applied the slightest pressure to hers. Not impulsive or desperate, just a simple kiss to reacquaint.
Her soft mouth opened under his. Johnny slanted his head and dipped his tongue in for a taste of her sweet and potent flavor. He sipped from her lips. Barely pulling away, shifting his angle, he sealed their mouths again. Her heartbeat raced against his palm where it lay on her neck. Their tongues twisted together. Krissy moaned and he reluctantly parted from her delicious, moist mouth. For now, he'd just taste, even though his blood pumped hotter than hell. He intended to savor the anticipation of what was to come.
He took her hand and stepped into the apartment.
“How are your parents?” she asked, backing up.
“You and I are having dinner with them on Sunday.”
“Sounds good. Just, um, have a seat, and I'll have our dinner ready in a minute.” She turned and fled the room. Johnny smiled. About time he set her world off kilter. She could run, not hide. He sat in the ratty recliner, popped up the footrest and marveled at the twist of fate that had him sharing dinner, not with just his best friend, but with the woman he loved.
Krissy entered the kitchen, leaned her head against the wall, and closed her eyes. Covering her heart with her hand, she willed the rapid pace to slow. What in the world was going on? Johnny, her best friend, chum, partner in crime— he was not the man who caused her cunt to clench with a kiss. Yet, he did. Repeatedly. Already wet, she considered what her condition would be after staring across the table at him through dinner.
Damn, the kiss started it. Johnny had no business making her fall totally in love. He should've stuck to the rules. Then they could've come through all this unscathed. She ought to forget dinner, jump his bones, and send him out the door. Then she could wallow in misery until the next time she saw him.
Her stomach growled reminding her that she was hungry and that she'd need her strength for the night to come. And come she would. Her body staged a revolution against her will. After she conceived, she'd lick her wounds alone, unwilling to lose their friendship. If she tried to foster a relationship built on more than just sex, she might destroy the best thing in her life. She needed Johnny and so would her baby.
Salmon scents filled the kitchen. Krissy put the food on plates and took two wine goblets from the cupboard. What was she doing? She didn't need any more special memories. Making a meal and presenting it as if Johnny were the king of, well, she didn't know what he was the king of. Actually, yes, she did.
He reigned as the supreme ruler of her body.
Pulling open the cupboard again, she took out disposable plates and transferred the salmon. She shouldn't have cooked at all. Fast food and a fast fuck. That was what she needed. But no, she had to get romantic. Well, forget that. She grabbed two cans of soda out of the fridge. After the kiss in the open doorway, she needed ice- cold refreshment to douse the flames of her libido. She glanced at the soda, hoping it was cold enough to cool the raging inferno of her desire.
“Need some help?”
Krissy jumped at his voice behind her. “No, I'm fine. Here.” She thrust the Styrofoam plate filled with salmon, peas with almond
slivers and a flakey, buttery croissant. “Have a soda.” Her hand shook.
“Thank you.” He reached out and their fingers brushed. Electricity raced up her arm and her nipples responded.
“Let's eat,” she said, then stepped around him with her own plate. She wanted to be warm and inviting tonight. All she felt was nervous and apprehensive making her stomach swoop. Dinner smelled wonderful, although she wasn't sure she'd be able to eat.
The plan had been to sit at the kitchen table, light a candle, and create a mood to carry into the bedroom, but her imagination needed a timeout. What she needed was a bright neon sign flashing in the corner reminding her of the agenda. Just sex. Just sex. Just sex.
Dinner progressed and Johnny smiled at the slight tremble in Krissy's hand as she held her fork. She picked at her food, refusing to look at him. Her unease fueled his determination. Her plan unraveled at the seams while his appeared to be sewing up nicely. Only days into the arrangement and he watched her walls crumble a little each time they touched, kissed, and made love.
It wasn't that Krissy couldn't commit to a relationship. She might not be willing to admit, and she needed more time to recognize, that her problem had never been about the men she'd dated in the past. He figured her inability to commit had everything to do with the two of them.
“Thank you,” he said, and then wiped his mouth on a napkin. “The food was great.” He pushed his plate way.
“I can hear by your tone that you're surprised.”
“I won't deny that you're culinary skills have improved.”
She met his stare and blood roared through his ears. He recognized the glint of smoldering passion. She hadn't been eating because it wasn't food she craved.
“Good thinking,” he said, standing. He went to her, reached down, and pulled her up by her hand.
“What did I do?”
He enjoyed the firm grip of her fingers. “Disposable dishes.”